Not to start out a blog with an obvious observation but…we’re all pretty busy. In an industry evolving as quickly as ours it can be hard to keep up to speed with what’s happening in the news. With this in mind we’d thought we’d help you, busy reader, get a little bit more out of our blog with a new weekly post, every Friday, that highlights the top stories in the UC industry and why they matter.
Here are the top stories from this week:
UC + Telemedicine: When minutes matter: Hospital, ambulances using video to put doctors in rig with stroke patients
If you’ve been paying any attention to telemedicine as of late, you’ll have noticed an increase in stories covering this UC healthcare trend. Lauded as a crucial next step in ensuring better healthcare for all Americans, telemedicine is bringing doctors and patients together for the first time using video conferencing technology.
This article chronicles the use of video conferencing technology in ambulances in order to allow doctors faster access to stroke patients during the critical 60 minutes, or the Golden Hour, of a stroke. Care given in the first 60 minutes after a stroke can mean life or death for stroke victims and this new, mobile video technology is poised to save lives.
UC + productivity: Four ways unified communications benefits productivity
We all know, on some level, that an efficient UC system means an increase in collaboration and productivity. Because video conferencing is more reliable, meetings that used to require commute times for workers can now take place remotely. More and more team members can collaborate face-to-face without having to change locations—saving businesses time and money.
Still not sure how your UC system can increase your productivity? This article lays out four use cases that show how it’s been done and how you can adopt these tactics in your own organization.
UC + Efficiency: How automatic testing improves your UC systems
Sure, we wrote this one but we received some great feedback on the subject matter and wanted to share it. In this blog piece, we discuss what automated testing is and how it can improve the functions of you current UC systems. Saving time, sanity, and bandwidth all sound good to us.
UC + video: Working remotely? Don’t be afraid of showing your face.
Founder and CEO of Zoom, Eric Yuan, penned this piece to talk about the importance of face-to-face communication in the age of remote work. Just because you’re not in an office doesn’t mean that the need for a more visual form of collaboration disappears. The use of video conference technology has transformed the way companies are doing business and its success is driving increasingly higher adoption rates across all verticals.
Still skeptical that video can be a life-saver for your collaboration efforts? Eric makes some pretty compelling arguments in this post and we couldn’t agree more.
Did we miss any big stories or do you have anything you’d like to add? Be sure to contact us!