Most people know Vyopta for helping enterprises get more from their video collaboration investments. However, to do our work we have been monitoring the entire UC&C technology stack as virtually all video conferences include voice, content sharing, and messaging. All of this data has been tucked away in the background–until today.
We are excited to announce the launch of our UC&C optimization platform. Now, customers can use Vyopta to improve the performance of their entire UC&C environment, no longer with an emphasis on video, but with a comprehensive look at voice, messaging, and content sharing, as well.
We are also thrilled to announce our expanded support of Cisco’s broad technology portfolio. Cisco is the world’s leading technology provider for enterprise collaboration, and if we are going to help enterprises optimize their UC&C, we need to be able to support their systems. We have specifically expanded our coverage of Cisco technologies from the legacy ISDN gateways and MCUs, WebEx, and Video and Audio Endpoints all the way to the latest for Cisco Meeting Server and Unified Communications Manager.
To give you a better sense of the power of our optimization platform, let’s take a peek at a few key things you can now do with Vyopta!
Executive Level UC&C Dashboard
To support the need of their organizations, IT teams will now have far more insight and information about ALL of their collaboration technologies. We have added some new capabilities to create high-level KPIs, filters, and trends across all technology vendors, all modalities and deployment models: audio, video, messaging, sharing, cloud, on-premise, and any mix of the above.
Vyopta has the ONLY TOOL that can help you to create an executive dashboard with the broadest and deepest data for performance, usage, and resource utilization. We also have the only tool that connects all of that data in our custom cloud and provides insights based on 1,500+ customers making millions of calls every day.
The Unique Vyopta Platform – How We Do It
Now, I know what you are thinking, “Sure thing, marketing guy.” I have heard it before, and I have been that skeptic before as a buyer of analytics and software, but no other vendor comes close when it comes to the breadth and depth of the UC&C data we collect.
The real enabler of this new perspective on collaboration is our data engine. I would like to take just one second to brag a bit about it as it’s what enables this innovative platform.
Collection Machine
We collect from nearly 100 APIs across a dozen collaboration vendors, and we are adding more on a monthly basis. Check here for a list of vendors and platforms.
Connecting the most dots makes a better picture
We collect from multiple points in the collaboration network, from endpoint to server, and merge data across platforms and vendors. This is especially important because engineers and UC&C teams need to measure and troubleshoot calls as they are crossing the boundaries between vendors and platforms. With Vyopta, if a Skype for Business user and a Polycom room call into the same Cisco Bridge, it all shows up as one joint meeting and call performance is displayed for all participants in one place.
Live Example: Deep Dive UC&C Performance Analytics
A truly unified data set helps customers analyze their environment to go beyond key performance indicators (KPIs) and dig into what specifically impacts their performance the most. For example, Vyopta allows you to drill down into Call Quality Overall, then filter bad calls by Audio or Video, then filter again by technology, or change your filter by Location (or business department).
Analysis at this speed and depth means you can quickly find the top 2-3 contributors to poor quality across your environment and fix them, today. This example also holds true if you want to improve adoption or resource efficiency with the same set of tools, using the same connected set of data.
We believe that collaboration performance is critical to companies that want to be competitive now and in the future, and it is important to look at more than just live performance data to get the most out of your UC&C investments.
Contact us to learn more
If this is interesting to you, we will be happy to walk you through a demo of our new features and share some of the other exciting capabilities we are launching soon. Contact Us today to set up a meeting.