Troubleshooting CUCM CDRs

Troubleshooting CUCM CDRs

If you support CUCM you know what a CDR (Call Detail Record) looks like, and then you also understand the timing challenges it takes to locate and identify  problematic calls before you can sift through the data to find the root cause of an issue. It’s a common challenge many IT professional face. CDR’s contain a wealth of data that can help understand  performance issues and user error, but it’s a lot of work just to get to the data. Troubleshooting CUCM CDRs can be extremely time consuming and requires an immense amount of attention to detail and ability to drill down the complex information presented.

How to Dig Into Call Manager CUCM Data Faster

Often, UC engineers use CDRs for informational purposes such as traffic, user call volume, billing and gateways. It’s a lot of information, and when a lot of information is presented it can take a while to obtain, understand and take actionable steps. A typical CDR file (presented below) is to the average eye, a bunch of jumbled information and jargon. To the industry professional whose job responsibility it is to filter and sift through, a CDR is extremely beneficial, but it doesn’t mean it’s not a difficult thing to understand – especially if they are limited on time as most UC engineers are.

Using Vyopta to Troubleshoot CUCM CDRs

With Vyopta, you’re able to view CDRs almost instantaneously, drastically reducing the time it takes to locate an issue, which is one big part of the troubleshooting puzzle. If there’s quality associated with the call, a CMR will display and showcase the quality of service. This means that we’re not only collecting, storing and serving the data to you, we’re putting intelligence behind it so there’s no second guessing what type of quality the communication had. This cuts back on the need to decipher and sift, saving a significant of time right at the very beginning of an issue. So, instead of translating, you’re seeing the most important data front and center.

By utilizing Vyopta to troubleshoot a CDR, you’re saving a significant amount of time, seconds, minutes and sometimes even longer, which in a world of overtasked IT professionals, is a welcome relief.

Learn more about how you can save time troubleshooting your environment and save uptime, contact us today!