On June 4th, Vyopta will be hosting an exclusive webinar – UC Engineers from large companies share their experiences and plans to support the evolution of the new workplace. This is going to be a great event! We’ve got some leading minds in the unified communications space joining us to talk about their best practices & tips when it comes to supporting next generation collaboration deployments.
We have assembled UC experts from some the largest companies to share their knowledge about collaboration technology – endpoints, infrastructure and architecture of video, voice and UC in the enterprise. Learn best practices from Khurram Dass, UC Telecommunications Engineer at Visa, Regan Earl, Sr. Engineer UC at Abbvie, and Richard Bugbee, IT Manager Voice + Video at Charter Communications.
This panel discussion, led by former UC Architect at Visaprint, Matt Stevenson will be an open panel format with a series of questions and include topics ranging from:
- The critical success factors to operate a greatly expanded remote work environment
- Challenges and lessons learned scaling up UC & video services
- Predictions about what the new collaboration workplace will look like after COVID-19
Register for this upcoming webinar!