People are creatures of habit – they are resistant to change. Change is something that doesn’t come naturally, so when change occurs in the workplace your first thought is almost always “What’s in it for me?”. This webinar, Maximize Webex Features and Optimize Costs with Vyopta, explains how companies are getting the most out of their webex investment. The goal of this webinar was to discuss basic principles and data that you can apply to any and all elements of Webex. It’s about changing the way you work to drive results. Here are some highlights from the webinar.
Best Practices
Cisco and Vyopta shared some of their best practices used to grow adoption, and review how to use data to support growth and optimize costs. They discuss actions you can take to unlock the full potential of Webex and describe some of the most common challenges and questions faced with driving rapid growth and adoption are cultural, user resistance, lack of change management and lack of focus on use cases.
- Cultural: In the past what has been the cultural acceptance of making a change? What did the process and outcome look like?
- User resistance: What have the users done in terms of what’s asked to change the way that they work? How has that gone in the past? How have you been successful?
- Lack of change management: Have you in the past ever used change management as part of your overarching strategy in driving results for your project? Customers who have implemented a full change management program, the result of that program got them 143% ROI. Compared to customers who didn’t have a formal change management program only seeing 35% ROI.
- No focus on key use cases: What are the use cases that you’re trying to drive results from?
Change Management
In the webinar, we reviewed the following two best practice case studies and focused on how important data and analytics are in the change management process.
Energy Inc.
- Challenge/problem: Wanted to replace web conferencing. The problem was that they have a separate technology for video, calls, chat, and web conferencing. This expansion into Webex was about blurring those lines and moving forward to a platform that could do more than just one thing.
- Change Management: Very data-driven company. They had a great change management process already in place with 75 deployment coordinators. These coordinators were responsible for a part of a matrixed organization. They had to be able to report on their project in the business and be able to tie that usage to business results. Vyopta worked with Energy Inc very closely to develop customizable reporting
- Results: Saved money per user by doing an active user contract with Webex. Got a lot more usage and video and have continued expanding since then on deploying the new features on Webex. They are now really looking at their vision for 2020 and how to get the most out of collaboration. Generating and automating reports helped them.
Global Pharma.
- Challenge/Problem: Time is money in the pharma industry. Reduce time to market with best in class collaboration.
- Change Management: They were working to develop a cancer drug in the market and observed that it was taking them too long to get the process completed because they had too many collaboration systems in place. We came up with a solution that involved Webex and Jabber to give them a consistent way to work with each other and quickly get to conclusions of problems and help them go through that process of how to learn a new technology.
- Results: We were able to put together a program in place that really helps speed that process up to where the cancer drug is now on the market and is doing really well. The new platform allowed them to work any time, any place and work effectively.
Next Steps
These are just a few of the critical points needed to get the absolute most out change management process. Getting people to adopt to new technology is key. You have to convince your workplace and coworkers that the level of effort it takes to learn a new process and a new skill is going to get them a reward better than they are getting today. Iterate, measure, and adapt! Use the data to drive the connection between the process and the people. To learn more about how Vyopta’s solution provides the visibility you need to make data-driven decisions, watch our webinar, Maximize Webex Features and Optimize Costs with Vyopta or see a demo.
Watch our webinar on demand.