
Trust and Hybrid Work:
Survey Report

Which of the following, if any, has ever happened at your company due to technology or connection issues?

- Had to reschedule a meeting     75%
- Missed a project deadline     41%
- Lost a client or business opportunity     32%
- None of these     15%

Quick Facts
- Any (net)     86%

  • How these organizations migrated to Microsoft Teams
  • The top user experience challenges for video collaboration
  • What strategies they are taking to improve the user experience
  • How they use monitoring and analytics to optimize their deployments

Which of the following, if any, has ever happened at your company due to a staff member's error during an audio or video call?

- Moved responsibility for setting up calls to another staff member     53%
- Given an informal reprimand     40%
- Given a formal reprimand     38%
- Removed a staff member from a project     33%
- Fired a staff member     24%
- Other     2%

- None of these     18%

Quick Facts
- Has happened at my company (net)     83%

What percentage of your staff do you fully trust to be able to correctly navigate to remote collaboration technology needed to make remote work successful?

- 0 - 24%     7%
- 25 - 49%     12%
- 50 - 74%     36%
- 75 - 100%     46%

Quick Facts
- Average     66%

Who is most responsible for ensuring the needed remote collaboration technology is available and functioning?

- The company     58%
- The employee     42%

How, if at all, do you anticipate your company will its policy on hybrid schedules in the next 12 months?

- Eliminate the current use of hybrid schedules completely     13%
- Reduce the number of employees allowed to work a hybrid schedule     13%
- Maintain the number of employees allowed to work a hybrid schedule     44%
- Expand the number of employees allowed to work a hybrid schedule     29%
- N/A - My company does not currently offer or plan to offer a hybrid schedule     3%

How concerned are you that your company does not fully understand what employees are looking for in a hybrid work option?

- Extremely concerned     31%
- Very concerned     28%
- Somewhat concerned     19%
- A little bit concerned     13%
- Not at all concerned     10%

Quick Facts
- Extremely / very concerned (net)     58%
- At least somewhat concerned (net)     77%
- A little but / not at all concerned (net)     23%

Methodology Notes

The Vyopta Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 200 U.S. executives with a minimum seniority of VP, at companies of 500+ employees, between July 30th and August 10th, 2021, using an email invitation and an online survey.

Results of any sample are subject to sampling variation. The magnitude of the variation is measurable and is affected by the number of interviews and the level of the percentages expressing the results. For the interviews conducted in this particular study, the chances are 95 in 100 that a survey result does not vary, plus or minus, by more than 6.9 percentage points from the result that would be obtained if interviews had been conducted with all persons in the universe represented by the sample.

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