2020 Unified Communications (UC) Blog Content, Posts, & Updates

Rewinding the Clock with Vyopta

Written by Casey Hotchkiss | Mar 31, 2019 7:10:49 PM

There’s something to be said about a time travelers life for when you get the ability to go back in time and the opportunity to start anew is almost always seemingly envied or desired. In the world of unified communications, going back in time and starting over would probably be a UC engineers dream come true especially if their boss just so happens to be on the side experiencing the issues.

Most UC engineers that get a trouble ticket do so after the fact and so begins a lengthy venture into tracking, sorting and deciphering CDRs to try and figure out what happened. But, with Vyopta’s CPM Monitoring, we realized troubleshooting is already troublesome enough. Let’s leave the puzzles to the puzzle makers and make a solution to where a UC engineer can pinpoint exactly what’s gone wrong and when.

If I Could Turn Back Time

One of Cher’s infamous songs starts off with “If I could turn back time…” and on any given high-stress day we have an inkling that this song would probably take the top spot as a UC engineers favorite. But, it’s hard to accomplish, especially if the right solution isn’t in place.

Consider this scenario: After a long day of tickets, a UC engineer goes to bed and wakes up early to tackle the remaining amount of high priority tickets that he had from the day before. Upon his arrival he sees he’s gotten in a high-priority trouble ticket overnight, from a call that happened in another time zone. Typically, he’d start out with trying to get access to as much data as possible, but since the call happened so long ago since it was in a completely different time zone, it’s going to be extremely difficult and he embarks on what would be a long, hours long process to figure out what happened. But, with CPM Monitoring the scenario would look a little different.

Consider this scenario with Vyopta: After a long day of tickets, a UC engineer goes to bed and wakes up early to tackle the remaining amount of high priority tickets that he had from the day before. Upon his arrival he sees he’s gotten in a high-priority trouble ticket overnight, from a call that happened in another time zone. With Vyopta, he logs on to CPM and dials back the clock six hours, filtering for the name of the meeting or call names. Immediately, he identifies the meeting/call and drills into the call details. Upon inspection of the call details he identifies the problem and can troubleshoot immediately, saving hours of time trying to solve what happened.

Gaining real-time insights is a UC engineers dream come true. With raw data and the ability to rewind the clock, UC engineers aren’t left trying to search for answers with little to missing information. With Vyopta, they are given quick answers to quickly drill-down to isolate root cause, allowing them the opportunity to troubleshoot to ensure that they don’t run into an issue of similarity in the future.

Troubleshooting a faulty call or connection doesn’t have to feel like rocket science. Vyopta gives you the ability to quickly understand call and infrastructure status regardless of when the call took place, giving you the highly enviable characteristic of time traveler.

Need to rewind the clock in your favor? Get in touch with Vyopta!