You don’t have to look far in popular culture to see that we have a fascination with the idea of zombies. From The Walking Dead franchise to iZombie, to a reimagined zombie-killing Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice & Zombies), it’s easy to see that there’s something about the undead that speaks to us. There’s even an emoji on your phone. 🧟♀️ 🧟♂️
Zombies as entertainment are one thing, but what about the ones currently overrunning your company’s calendar and haunting your meeting spaces?
Wait, what? Zombies aren’t real!
It’s true. You’re unlikely to encounter any zombies in the break room or elevator. But they’re undead and well in your meeting spaces.
Imagine your colleague books a recurring meeting every Tuesday at 10:00 in a popular conference room. Alls well until that same colleague accepts another job two months later and leaves your company. They’re no longer there. But the meeting is… lurking on the calendar and monopolizing the conference room with no one the wiser.
Now imagine it’s not just one employee. Almost 50% of missed meetings were scheduled by former employees. You can see how one zombie meeting could quickly escalate into a full-blown zombie meeting apocalypse.
Big deal, book another room.
Forget vacation…the average employee spends 3 weeks a year looking for open meeting space. And unlike a trip to Tahiti, they don’t return from that adventure refreshed and relaxed.
So what do I do, call Rick Grimes?
As you’ll see from this webinar, data is the key to battling zombie meetings. More than just room check-in systems you need a tool with calendar integrations and in-room monitoring that can identify missed meetings and repeat offenders so you can eradicate the scourge of zombie meetings from your valuable meeting spaces.
Sounds great! Where do I get it?
Vyopta’s Workspace Insights can help you understand whether your conference rooms and huddle spaces are being used the way they were designed to be used. With this added visibility, you can make data-driven decisions to rein in unnecessary future equipment spend and optimize current deployments within your workplace.
Want to learn more about how to optimize your workspace? Register for the webinar titled Are You Getting The Most Out of Your Meeting Spaces featuring Frost & Sullivan and Vyopta.
Angela Shori is a business writer and technology marketer with over 20 years of experience. She holds an M. A. in Advertising from the University of Texas and writes about unified communications, cloud technology, innovation, and the future of work -- sometimes through the lens of Star Wars. You can find her online at LinkedIn and Twitter.